Sunday, February 13, 2011

Initial Reflection

Freshman year in art we have done a lot of different projects. Every Tuesday we spent time drawing a different still life. This was not one of my favorite things because drawing in detail is not something that I enjoy. I also did not enjoy making the sculpture because manipulating the "junk" was not easy for me. I loved all the painting and I would consider that one of my strengths. Painting relaxes me and allows me to express myself more than some of the other projects. Collage with magazine and news papers are also something that I enjoyed. I love being able to take something apart to create another thing completely different. I will leave this class thinking about different ways to incorporate art into my life and when given the chances I will defiantly continue to create art.


  1. What is it about drawing in detail that you didn't like?

    What was it about manipulating the junk that was challenging? How is it different than the collages you like to make from found images?

  2. Manipulating the junk was more challenging than the collage because you can cut the paper and other materials to make it I want it to be. With the junk you have to work with it to figure out what it wants to be not what I want it to be.
