Monday, September 13, 2010

Collaborative Drawings

How did having someone else work on your drawing add to or take away from the final result? 
How did it FEEL to return to your drawing and see other people's marks on it?

It felt odd to have someone else working on my drawing. They could have taken what I was trying to make and turn it into something I hate. They could have ruined what I spent an hour working on because they didn't understand what I was trying to make. Also they didn't get to talk to me to see where I was going with my picture and since it was unfinished it was up to anyone to decide the outcome. I felt weird torturing to my drawing and seeing what other people changed it into. Most of my work was covered up with other pain which was annoying because I had put so much effort into it. Also, the background of my drawing completely changed. On the other hand, it was interesting to see what people thought of my art work and turned it into. 

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